Moonsift Pro, an upgraded experience

2 min readOct 11, 2020


Advanced features to help you get even more out of Moonsift.

Added features include:

  1. Early access to new features
  2. Organise your collections into sub-sections
  3. Generate Instagram-ready videos showcasing collections (learn more)
  4. Personalise your username and profile URL e.g.
  5. Priority service on new retailer requests
  6. Add a direct link to your own website or blog from your profile
  7. Choose which image of the product will display in your collection — now available to everyone.
  8. Save to Moonsift on iOS (coming soon)

We chose to restrict certain features to Pro accounts to avoid overwhelming our more casual users with too many advanced features.

Moonsift Pro is an invite only community

Once a Moonsift Pro user, you will be able to invite others to Pro using your unique Pro Pass link, which you can generate here:

We want to continue improving your Pro experience. Please feel free to email us at with feedback on how you would like to see it develop.

